Monday, September 3, 2007

Gateway to a New Reality

"The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand...NOW!" For some time, there has been a paradigm shift away from old, outmoded ways of thinking. In essence, we have been moving into a new reality during the past six years. On September 11, 2007, a solar eclipse will usher us into a brave, new world of spiritual ascension. As St. Paul says in his first letter to the Corinthians, "We see through a glass darkly, but (when we ascend) we shall see God face to face!" Over the past couple of months, many of us have begun our ascension to the higher spiritual levels. Opportunities have presented themselves, and we have seized upon them! Once the solar eclipse occurs, many more of us will be presented with unlimited potential. Portals will open throughout the Earth, allowing us to succeed beyond our wildest dreams. The solar eclipse, which will cut across South America at Cuzco, Peru (the ancient captial of the Incas) will focus its healing power on all of Earth's children who have "travailed and been heavy laden" under the old energy...of fear. Institutions that are no longer valid will begin to fall. Indeed, many of these institutions have already begun to the Roman Catholic Church, which has kept many under the yoke of fear for many centuries. The New Age will finally dawn, accelerating the demise of negative powers while increasing the proliferation of life-giving, positive energy.

In with the New...Out with the Old. The portals that will open around the world will offer a new reality of peace and love. These "windows of opportunity" will be a welcome sign to those of us who already are spiritually aligned. For me, the portal that has already opened is located in the Newport section of Jersey City, NJ (See above photo). It's no coincidence that the eclipse that will open up a gateway to a new reality occurs on September 11. Over the past six years, many people have hung onto a negative connotation for this date. Indeed, many plan to commemorate the date this year with an equally negative ritual of fear. It's time to move past the old view of America as a victim, to the new reality of a vibrant America...with an economy of prosperity, love and peace! If you look at the above picture, you will notice that the destroyed World Trade Center in New York City has already been replaced with towers of economic and financial wealth in New Jersey! Throughout the USA, there will be other portals opening to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear and understand this message of freedom and liberation.

Practice Karma Yoga! By surrendering our Ego to the potential of being At-one with the Universe, we will succeed in all of our endeavors. Life will start to become easier, as we "follow our bliss." Giving thanks to our Higher Power (whether we call it God, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Allah...or any other deity) will bring us much prosperity! When we finally realize that we, of our own power, cannot achieve happiness, we will allow ourselves to "enter the Kingdom of Heaven as children" as Jesus says in the gospels. If we believe in the infinate potential and love of the Universe, we will gain our heart's desire. By practicing Karma Yoga, we will align ourself with the power and potential of Love...and conquer Fear! We will see those around us as brothers and sisters, instead of competitors. By operating on a platform of Love, we will stamp out hate and the evil energies that have held the world in its grip of Fear! Like the song from the 1960s says: "You hold the key to Love and Fear...all in your trembling hand. Just one key unlocks them's there at your command."

Let's choose Love!