Sunday, September 23, 2012

Our Spiritual Lighthouse

Cape May Point Lighthouse, New Jersey
Let Your Inner Light Shine!
At the start of 2012, there was the realization that this year would hold new opportunities and changes. I asked for, and received, the benefit of inner vision. I meditated and used Karma yoga to assist me in connecting with the universe. I was patient, waiting for each moment to reveal its own special lesson and guide me along life's path. During my younger years, I didn't have the discipline of patience and often "took the bull by the horns", so to speak. I forced issues in my public, work and private aspects of  life, changing course quite frequently. I followed what the impatience of youth told me was the road to success. I was fortunate and for a time things worked in my favor. I could quit one job and find another within a very short period. I was on the fast track to the corner office and my future looked great. I was the first member of my family to go to college and receive an advanced degree. I found the energy to work full days and go to classes at night. I graduated with honors and it looked like I could realize two dreams at once: earning an annual salary over $100,000 and moving up in management. It was the mid 1980s and the future looked extremely bright!

By the end of that decade, however, the housing bubble burst and forced the economy to take a downward turn. Manufacturing jobs were being shipped overseas and I was laid off. I didn't know at the time, but my job as a certified Production and Inventory Control Manager would be harder and harder to come by. In fact, I haven't worked in that sector since the end of the 1980s. I found whatever jobs were available at the time and questioned where my future would take me. The wonderful up side of this questioning was my journey through the spiritual realm. I took the time to study and research every religious tradition available in my locale. I met lots of folks, many of which continue to be my dear friends today. My quest didn't lead me down any dead ends, even though I constantly questioned my path and had many concerns about the future. In 1993, I finished my masters degree in Metaphysical Science and finally found my spiritual base. I am grateful to all the Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish (Cabalistic), Catholic, Christian (all denominations) and Metaphysical professionals (either in person or through their books) who assisted me on my journey. I count them among my many angels!  

September is Fashion Month, with New York City's festivities being a highlight of the American scene. There are many such weeks still to come, as the 2013 styles are unveiled and released throughout the world. It may seem a bit odd, but I always look forward to buying Vogue Magazine's September issue and leafing through the over 900 pages. This morning, I performed my yearly ritual of reading Vogue, often bookmarking the pages that caught my interest. Observing the creativity of others inspires me. Even though I am a writer and blogger, I get inspiration from all forms of art and cultural exhibitions. So, as I looked at the offerings of fashion luminaries and read some of the articles, I got the inspiration necessary to make some changes in the remaining days of 2012. Remarkably, there was even an article, titled "El Dorado" and a layout of photos taken on a trip to Peru. As many of my readers know, I have written about my travels throughout the Andes of South America. So, to say the least, I was delighted to see current creations inspired by the Incas and to realize that fashion, art and culture are indivisible.

Therefore, whatever or wherever we choose to create, be it down the Jersey shore in Cape May, or in the canyons of Manhattan, for example, we are intrinsically part of the universe's creative energy. Just as I love to admire the creativity of others, I also value my own efforts, be they ever so humble compared with the masters. The lesson to be learned in all this is to realize that even during dry periods when we think we are not being creative, we are soaking up ideas and planting the seeds for our own future creativity by enjoying and blessing the works of others. Being grateful for all these blessings of life opens us up to the unlimited flow of energy from the universe. It's up to us, as individuals, to find the things that "turn us on" and inspire us to continually follow our bliss. This inspiration will also allow us to identify the areas in our life that need change. This journey of discovery is our birthright. Being patient and listening to the "still, small voice" within us, will motivate to pursue our bliss...and let our inner light shine for the world to see. :-)

