Sunday, July 20, 2014

Create your own Reality!


When the World starts running down... 

There has been a paradigm shift in the way we view the world, ourselves and each other. In Matthew 24: 6-7, it is stated: "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places." This warning has been quoted for such a long time that many dismiss its importance. However, the prophesy remains valid and is meant to be taken to heart by each succeeding generation. We now find ourselves in a global community where each happening (either political or economic) affects us all. At no other time in history have the world economies depended so much on each other.  

Even though working full time, I have also been affected by the downturn in the economy. In America, we are working longer and harder to make ends meet. The data on unemployment is staggering. Many of us have been out of work for two-to-three years, and the outlook isn't getting that much better. It's very easy to get discouraged and throw your hands up in the air in surrender and frustration! There seem to be so many changes in 2014, but, isn't this what we expected? As with anything, change is in the eye of the beholder. We can choose to view life through the prism of Scarcity or Abundance.

If we choose scarcity, there is overwhelming evidence and popular thought to support this mentality. There are many forces in the world that prey on those of us who are fearful and have given control of their life to "the powers that be". Fear is the absence of love, or a belief in the inability of love to change the world. Jesus said "Love conquers all", which is arguably the most powerful truth in our world today! It is such a powerful concept that there are many dark powers fighting to maintain the world in a fear mentality. If a person is surrounded by negative forces, it is difficult to break the chain of fear.

Personally, 2014 has been a year of closing doors. In many aspects of my life, there have been endings. Many of my friendships have been put to the test and found lacking in the love necessary to continue them. Many organizations that I once trusted and relied upon have either gone out of business, or worse, lost their desire and/or ability to provide satisfactory customer service. It's truly amazing how things have changed in such a short period of time! But, most importantly, there have been changes in the way I look at the world. Yes, the world is running down, but should we hang onto our past fond memories and admit defeat? Or should we let the door to fear close, but keep our eyes scanning the horizon for love? I have chosen to shut the door and follow my conviction that the best is still to come! 

Take the best of what's still around...

We don't have to throw the baby out with the bath water, so to speak. We can still build upon our past successes, while retooling ourselves for the future. This requires a major paradigm shift on a global basis; a fundamental change in the world's way of viewing reality. We have to shut off the noise of the outer media and go inward, improving our connection with the energy and power of the Universe. By understanding the principles of meditation and the laws of attraction, we can connect with the universal source of creation to forge a new reality. This is not wishful thinking. The great religions and spiritual beliefs are founded on the belief in this creative energy!

So, I am calling on all creative people, be they artists or architects, scientists or dreamers, to use this universal energy to forge the way to this new reality. Many inventors and positive thinkers have shown through the centuries, that each one of us is endowed with the ability to take our dreams and visions and create them in the world. This ability was built into each one of us at birth, we already are "wired" for perfection of vision and creativity. Let us all consider what we are called to do...and JUST DO IT! Just like the characters in "The Wizard of Oz", we already have whatever we need to succeed, it's already inside us. We just have to realize the power inside!

So, it's a matter of shutting the door to the past and forging ahead into the future. Close the doors that lead to things that are no longer valid or make sense in our life. You may well find that there are many open doors awaiting you ahead. Use the prism of love and you will choose wisely!


Alfred Voto, M.Msc.