Monday, October 29, 2007

Happy Halloween

Neo-witches come of Age in America

The Pagans have traditionally celebrated the holiday of Samhain on October 31. Most people know this day as Halloween, or All Hallows Eve, the day before All Saints Day in the Roman Catholic Church.

Now that the Church is on the way out, the "Old Ways" are returning to an America that now embraces diversity and includes all religions and cultures into its society. No other tradition brings so much joy and happiness to both young and old than Halloween — the holiday that makes fantasy and superstition the business of the day. Scary masks are worn, and folks don costumes depicting scary monsters or even funny and outrageous beings.

Witches have even made a return, not as ugly hags, but now as beautiful creatures of the light as they were originally intended in days of yore. Paganism has been replaced by so-called New Age rituals, such as nature worship and honoring our Higher Power. Nothing but good can come of this new restoration of an old time-honored belief system.


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