Sunday, March 2, 2014

Moving Onward!

Attitude of Gratitude   The month of February was very active overall. My department at work had a major move from the 20th Floor to the 19th. In my personal life, there were many changes in future plans for relocation to a warmer, kinder climate. In my professional life, I'm getting closer to earning my doctorate in holistic counseling. In my business life, a couple of new investments and acquisitions bolstered my portfolio of companies in emerging markets. Often accompanying change comes concern for the future and some regrets for the past. This is natural and most people experience these concerns from time to time. But, dwelling on the past, or negative thoughts and regrets, is counterproductive to moving onward to the future ahead. Instead, I choose to think of my past achievements with an attitude of gratitude for everything I've accomplished.

I've been in my current job for 78 months of continuous employment. In my multi-career lifestyle, this has been a successful run and has enabled me to shore up my investments for the future. I am now glimpsing possibilities for my next step and will be ready when opportunities arise. I give thanks for the wonderful experiences and warm friendships that have been forged during the past six years and bless everyone who helped create a climate of respect. 

Moving onward is a mentality that should be constant in personal development. The individual goes through a period of nurturing and learning that leads to a position of self-esteem and the yearning for advancement. Often, there comes the desire to have more control in making decisions that impact the career path. An analogy can be made between being a passenger in an automobile or the driver of the vehicle. In corporate life, the individual must allow the directors to control the company's culture and make the decisions. If this strategy no longer supports personal development, then it's time to become the driver of the career path and prepare to take control of the next step. It's this next step that will define a person.

Voyage of Discovery  The next step involves a personal vision quest and a voyage of discovery. Procrastination in beginning this step not only wastes time, but might hold a person back in their desire for advancement and maintains the status quo. Planning starts the moment a decision is made to become the driver of the career path. Re-education and preparation for the necessary changes will create a proactive mentality in the individual and give them self-assurance for potential success. Just the activity of charting a new course might be enough to inspire and motivate them further. The smallest step made in this direction is never lost, as long as the individual stays the course, no matter how long it takes! 

Blessings for a successful voyage of discovery and taking the next step. The ultimate goal in life is to follow your bliss and become the driver of your own life! 

Alfred Voto, M.Msc. 

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