Monday, July 13, 2015

In Search of the Perfect Pint


It all began with my love of Guinness stout. I always preferred the "Black Stuff" over the tame, macro-brewed, American "Lights". I eventually moved on to Guinness Extra Stout and Guinness Export Stout. True, my taste for a bolder, more flavorful brew has taken me to higher ABV offerings.

I now take classes at my local Total Wine and More, where I learn about the different types of hops used and...
the myriad of ingredients used in craft beer brewing. I also scour each edition of the Beer Advocate to read and share experiences with the many thousands of brands available worldwide.

I have tasted Porters, Stouts, Ales and Black IPAs over the past year, in order to find a beer that would qualify as my "Go To" brew. I visited local breweries and stopped at out-of-town brewers during my travels. Finally, I learned that beer is a very personal preference, and every review is subjective. If you like a beer, then nobody should tell you it's not a good choice.

What follows are the two winners of my personal tasting. It could have been only one winner, but the Weyerbacher "Old Heathen" seems to always be out of stock in my area. So, the Victory Storm King Stout comes in as a backup brew. I love "Old Heathen" because it has all my taste requirements, but doesn't hit you over the head with an alcoholic aftertaste.

I can relax for now, but the beauty of brewing continues to gain popularity, and the experimentation will continue: So many beers, and so little time! Carpe Diem! Seize the opportunity to try a new brew each day! As the name of my favorite spirits company implies: "Every Day...Everywhere!"


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