Saturday, October 10, 2015

We Belong to the Universe!

Everyone who knows me understands my fascination with Mars exploration. After leaving Verisk Analytics, I applied to the Mars One project and became active in supporting the colonization of the red planet. Elon Musk and SpaceX have been pivital in bringing this possibility to the fore.

Meg and I saw "The Martian" yesterday and were drawn into the web of excitement created by Ridley Scott. The movie brought me back to my youth when I devoured every science fiction book in my public library. Now, my sci-fi dreams have become a possibility!

I am probably too old to see Mars colonization in this lifetime, but I urge younger Mars enthusiasts to lend their creativity and vision to the Mars One project. Like I said back on a September FB post, we all belong to the Universe! The possibilities are unlimited!

Blessings!  Alfred

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