Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Greetings

New York City, viewed from Hoboken, NJ
2012 - A year of Hope
Ready, get set...Go! Many different thoughts and prophecies point to the New Year; some positive, others negative. January 1 has traditionally been a time to make resolutions for the coming year. Personally, I have already put my game plan into effect. I didn't wait for the ball to drop in Times Square, for me the New Year will be one of peace, prosperity and doing the things that I have already started doing. I am already experiencing love and abundance in my life, so much that my cup is running over with joy! During the waning hours of 2011, I made a fearless evaluation of my life. Not surprisingly, I could remember the times when I entered a new year with fear and apprehension. Questions always arose, like would I ever succeed in whatever job I had at the time, or would the economy improve? Perhaps people go out and drink on New Year's Eve to keep themselves from worrying too much about the future. At the end of the evening, however, one question must be answered: Do we find meaning to our life?

The person who has found the meaning to their life has found the treasure buried in plain sight. Whatever we need to succeed has always been inside us all along. The times when we felt that we weren't good enough were just clouds keeping us from glimpsing the true power within. Or, perhaps the reverse was true; maybe we were scared by the unlimited possibilities welling up inside us. Maybe we were so conditioned by a society that has a scarcity mentality that we forgot that our true power comes from the universe, where there is no scarcity, only abundance! 

Do we face life with abundant Love, which is our birthright, or do we let Fear rule the day? If we are true to our creator's design for us, we should develop a new perspective; to shift from being guided by fear, and instead, allow love to lead us into a prosperous and joyous future. To do this, a paradigm shift is necessary. We must be willing to accept change as being necessary in a successful life, and we should stand up and go forward. One person with great conviction can overcome a multitude of negative thinkers. The important thing is to keep going forward with great courage and eradicate negativity with the power of positive thinking. We must also take control and responsibility for our progress into our own hands. By letting others define us, we are giving up our freedom to reach for our true potential in life. 

We must also strive for transparency; to say what we mean and mean what we say. We must not duck and cover, but have the courage to speak our convictions. Flying under the radar is fine for a person with no vision of their potential, but for us who believe we possess the unlimited resources of the universe, this is not an option. The universe will always accept what we believe about ourselves, and will reward us accordingly. The Law of Attraction is perhaps the best example of this. We will attract people and things to us that mirror our true beliefs about ourselves. My advice is to listen to your heart's desire and let Love be your guide. If your heart is filled with joy and love, then you are well on your way to following your bliss!

I have had the privilege of meeting like-minded people, who truly believe in themselves and are willing to share the love and compassion necessary to lead others. Let us all agree that 2012 will be a true reflection of ourselves - our authentic selves. Let's support each other in making the necessary paradigm shift to lead our nation back to a mentality of prosperity and abundance. There will be a tipping point, when we reach critical mass and profess a new era of peace and love. If we listen to our hearts, prosperity and abundance will surely follow! :-)

Happy New Year,


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